Sunday, October 2, 2011



Monday, March 7, 2011

Charlie Sheen

As a layperson, I can't help wondering
how traumatic heavy drug use is to
the complex and delicate as
it is.

I'll bet that even after one's system is
"clean"...the brain still requires time
[weeks, months maybe years] to
restore, repair and rejuvenate.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lovely Green Eyes

A novel by Arnost Lustig...
[translated from the Czech by
Ewald Osers]

Learned of this author from an article
about him in the Obituaries section of
The Chronicle Herald.

"I fell in love with Hanka Kaudersova's smile,
with the wrinkles of a now 16-year-old,
with the effect her face had on me.
[p. 4]

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscars 2011

Ann Hathaway and James Franco...very creative
casting. Whoever thought of them should get a

Friday, February 25, 2011


Bullying is thought to be something most
often encountered in childhood, and
occasionally later...

But, I think, it manifests itself in the adult
world everyday. On a massive, monstrous

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Behind Those Animal Eyes...

Since my last post, there has been another
tragic encounter between human and ani-
mal. A trainer, a very skilled one, has been
fatally injured by a killer whale. The killer
whale that she had worked with and cared

My last post was driven by expert opinion.
Today, I will merely speculate. But specu-
late carefully. In at least one interview,
on CNN, one animal expert was quite quick
to imply that the killer whale was not at
fault. That somehow, human error was at
the root of this death. I'm not so sure. If
these animals are as intelligent as experts
claim, is it possible that they occasionally
do things (even evil things) deliberately?

We tend to think that animal motives are
somehow more pure than ours... that if
they become violent towards us, it means
that we (in our ignorance) somehow set
the animal off. And they were merely
reacting instinctively.

Also on CNN last night, a rather startling
video of a killer whale attack in a pool
(1970's) was aired several times. One of
the trainers attempts to help the young
lady by extending a pole. Just as she tries
to tighten her grip, the animal knocks her
with enough force so that she becomes
separated from the pole.

In my opinion, humans and animals
(whether they be killer whales, coyotes
or whatever) have far more in common
then we currently suspect. Some are
good, and some are S.O.B.'s...