Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Behind Those Animal Eyes...

Since my last post, there has been another
tragic encounter between human and ani-
mal. A trainer, a very skilled one, has been
fatally injured by a killer whale. The killer
whale that she had worked with and cared

My last post was driven by expert opinion.
Today, I will merely speculate. But specu-
late carefully. In at least one interview,
on CNN, one animal expert was quite quick
to imply that the killer whale was not at
fault. That somehow, human error was at
the root of this death. I'm not so sure. If
these animals are as intelligent as experts
claim, is it possible that they occasionally
do things (even evil things) deliberately?

We tend to think that animal motives are
somehow more pure than ours... that if
they become violent towards us, it means
that we (in our ignorance) somehow set
the animal off. And they were merely
reacting instinctively.

Also on CNN last night, a rather startling
video of a killer whale attack in a pool
(1970's) was aired several times. One of
the trainers attempts to help the young
lady by extending a pole. Just as she tries
to tighten her grip, the animal knocks her
with enough force so that she becomes
separated from the pole.

In my opinion, humans and animals
(whether they be killer whales, coyotes
or whatever) have far more in common
then we currently suspect. Some are
good, and some are S.O.B.'s...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Simon Gadbois, PhD

Late in 2009, a promising young singer had a fatal
encounter with two coyotes, in Nova Scotia.

Dr. Gadbois was interviewed by, among others,
Steve Murphy of CTV News. Gadbois [ Department
of Psychology and Neuroscience Institute, Dal-
housie University] said that he had hoped that
the coyote reports had been a mistake. This, to
me, illustrates that, in addition to studying
coyotes, he also has an admiration for these
normally low profile animals.

I e-mailed the following question to him. He was
gracious enough to answer.

Are humans the only animals who have a
sense of right and wrong?

"Apparently not...There is a strong debate on
this issue with chimps and canines (mostly
dogs). The jury is still out."


To be continued...